
Voicemails are audio messages left on The Range by various agents to the attention of Brimstone.

They inform the player about the current lore events.

Speaker Transcription Audio
"Gonna be quick Brim. Getting word of Kingdom's sites getting hit all over the world in the last month with the same radianite fuel getting stolen. I got my hands on some K footage and, yeah. The crew working the gig are in the same getup as the guys we fought in Thailand. Long story short, whatever they're doing, we didn't stop them. Let me know if you need me to take a crew off base to do some digging."
Speaker Transcription Audio
"Yo, jefe, I've been talking to coach and I wanted to check with you. I've been training for a hot minute so I feel like it's time for me to start learning some new new shit. You know. Like. The VLT/R. Like. Flying the VLT/R. Right? 'Cuz, cuz. Think about how useful it would be to have another pilot on the team. You know? Someone else. Like me. Just saying. That's all I got, think about it." ("Jefe" means "boss".)
Speaker Transcription Audio
"Quiubo Brimstone. Perhaps I did not make myself clear. We are facing a serious threat. As of now, these kids you've trained aren't going to cut it. You need someone who can keep the younger ones in line. Talk shit with them, talk business with us. I have someone in mind. Lucky for you, she's been working with me for a long time. I'll make the introduction. Adios cucho." ("Quiubo" means "what's up?", "cucho" means "old man".)
Speaker Transcription Audio
"Ni hao Brimstone! The snack cabinet near my room is running low again. Could we order a restock? If possible, I'd love more of the chili almond packets. Those things are the best. Thank you!"
Speaker Transcription Audio
"Yo, cucho?. Listen, if you expect me to apologize for what happened all those years ago, you don't remember me very well. We can not bring back the dead, mi hermano. Many more will die unless we focus on the fight at hand. What comes next will not be easy. But if your team is as trustworthy as you say, we may just survive."
("Cucho" means "old man", "mi hermano" means "my brother".)
Speaker Transcription Audio
"Now Brimstone, don't ask me how I know, but an alarming number of agents still use 1234 as their password. This is not acceptable. I suggest we run my data security course again. I shortened it by twelve slides following your rather... Pointed feedback. Say the word, I'll see it done."
Speaker Transcription Audio
"My interversal probes have been sending me improbable readouts all day. I initially assumed it encountered a malfunction, but the readings spiked on each of the probes in sequence, like a wave rolling through a string of buoys. They're calibrated correctly and I validated the software. They're working as intended. Something is affecting the interverse, Brimstone, and these readouts seem similar to those my former team gathered the day that... Call me back. Something is happening. I need to know what."
Speaker Transcription Audio
"Brimstone, I know this is highly unusual but do you know Skye's exact shoe size? It's not listed in her personal records. Her hiking boots are in dire need of replacement. Something must be done. Oh and please don't mention I asked, it's a surprise."
Speaker Transcription Audio
"Hey. So here's some shit news. Neon and Fade both told me they've never gone camping before which is ridiculous. Grown women who've never slept under the stars. I'm straight up offended, honestly. So this weekend I'm fixing it, I don't care what you have them signed up for, pick someone else because those two are with me. Alright thanks."
"Hi. Since I've been on the team for a while now I figure I could make a request? Feels like I've put in the time and energy. So... Can we get a basketball court for the rec center? Honestly, I'm surprised I even have to ask! How does the VALORANT rec center not have a basketball court? That seems like a major oversight. We have six machines for rowing but no basketball? Come on. And it's not just for me, Skye and Astra said they'd play too. This is for uhhh team building! Okay, if a court is out of the question I would settle for one hoop. I'll even help put it up. Okay, thanks."
Speaker Transcription Audio
"Brimstone, I'm requesting a leave of absence. I received word that the memorial to Ståljegerne was completed. I've been invited to it's opening ceremony and was asked to prepare... And I was asked to prepare a speech for my sisters and uh... If I may go? Please?"
("Ståljegerne" means "steel hunters")
"Brimstone, I've been reflecting on our team's well-being lately and I think it would serve us all well if we encourage the rest to take time away from their responsibilities more often. The trips we've taken in the past have all been wonderful experiences and sometimes I think it's good to remind us all exactly what we're fighting for. That's about it. I don't want to seem overbearing so please tell me if it seems that way."
Speaker Transcription Audio
"Brimstone. I told you my focus would remain fixed on the Scions until I was confident their threat was nullified. Today, I am confident. Their communication relay still sputter to life on occasion, but it amounts to little more than background noise. The last groans of a hurt animal with a broken back. In short, I am satisfied. As agreed, I will now fully align my efforts with yours."
Speaker Transcription Audio
"Brimstone! Hate to ask but uh... Thrash ate Gekko's dice set again... Not a clue where they ended up but... That's better left a mystery. I had a few to lend 'em but he's short a D20. Was wondering if you had one to spare. No one else would part with theirs too afraid of the... Aforementioned Thrash... If so just bring it to the session tomorrow night. Cool. Grand! Alright, see ya!"
Speaker Transcription Audio
"Huh. For some reason, your failing to answer your phone does not surprise me. Let's hope this isn't a precedent you continue to cement. I've finished reading through VALORANT's interversal documentation and your research is... Borderline amateur. Your findings on seismic fluctuations, isotope decay, even organic substrates are all objectively wrong. My team and I had a more comprehensive understanding in all these fields over a decade ago. Has there been no more work done? This is one of the most intriguing fields of scientific research and all I see from this team-- your team, is apathy and atrophy. I will spearhead this project. I will teach you all about my work. And you will thank me."
Speaker Transcription Audio
"Brimstone, I am sorry to call you but someone Wingman noises Wingman, snuck into your office and took a music record without asking. He knows it was wrong and would like to apologize. Ven aquí! Apologize. more Wingman noises Apologize. bro isn't apologizing He says he's sorry. Alright get outta here. Wingman running in the background Yeah, real sorry about that Brim, won't happen again. I checked the record, no scratches, it's on your desk."
Speaker Transcription Audio
"Hey, good news. We've been able to track the escapee. It lead us straight through 2 more Hourglass hideouts. I'm at the latest one now, or... what's left of it. Damn. These Scions didn't stand a chance. What this prisoner did to Hourglass it's... Vicious. And she's getting better at it. Mastering her powers as she goes... I don't know if this is revenge or a vendetta or she's just a monster or what. I'm gonna send over some videos of the handy work. You should... Brace yourself."
Speaker Transcription Audio
"Brimstone! Brimstone, pick up! Listen, something's happened. The containment cell has been smashed open by whatever was inside. There's metal everywhere and I can't turn these alarms off! Brimstone, get over here NOW."
Speaker Transcription Audio
"Brimstone, oh Brimstone! I just completed a preliminary scan of the Hourglass archives and without putting too fine a point on it, this database is extraordinary. gasps I see artifacts and dates that span the entire length of human history, carbon dated technology that completely upends our understanding of material science, biological readings that have significant repercussions for evolutionary- Ohhh listen, I've barely scratched the surface. I uh. I need more time. I know, you're going to say no, but I also want you to know that if you want me to leave you'll have to send Kay/O to drag me away or some such laughs okay, that's it, back to my- ooh ooh ooh ooh please tell Raze that I saw her missed calls and that I'm fine. I'm just having such a good-"
"Well chefinho (little boss), I found her. Killjoy! Hello! She's more obsessed with these archives than she was with that geodome on Pearl. I'll leave the gatinha (sexy girl) with her toys as long as she's safe. Heading back to base. My turn to cook, no? Maybe I'll make some Moqueca. Yeah! Killjoy loves Moqueca! Seriously? Nothing? She'll come back, eventually. Tchau, cara (bye dude)!"
Speaker Transcription Audio
"Brimstone. Brimstone if he screams it's Fade. When you briefed us on this location, I thought maybe, maybe this is where he's been all this time. But no, there was no sign of him in the cells, there's nothing. NOTHING. You live until you're forgotten, right? I'll keep looking."
"I swear one day you'll pickup the bloody phone! We need to get some samples from this Hourglass base over to the lab alright? Cuz I'm down in the south wing and there's this... Flora down here. Brimstone, I have spent enough time outside to know that these things aren't indigenous to our earth. I mean, it looks almost.. Nah sighs I'm gonna go track down Gekko, call me back."
"It's me. I found a cool blade in one of the Hourglass vaults. I'm taking it. I asked KJ if it was safe and she said it was. Besides uh, being obviously a knife. Okay, goodbye!"
Speaker Transcription Audio
"Is it true? Our history was filled with Radiants? How long have the Scions commited this crime? No puedo creerlo, malditos, it is unforgivable, they erased us, this place is our legacy, it belongs to radiants and they stole it, I will see it returned and we will destroy the scions"
("No puedo creerlo, malditos" means "I can't believe it, damned")
"Brimstone, it's Deadlock. This Hourglass facility is astonishing. The surface level security is all in place, 3 factor biometric entry. Dual encrypted transmission hardware but you need to see the containment areas deeper in the facility. The materials here makes Svalbard look almost... Amateur. I don't know what they were keeping here but to warrant this many layers of security... Sigh It must have been something special. I'll bring back samples for further analysis."
"Brimstone, I'm over at the Hourglass base and... I can't believe what I'm seeing. I recognize some of these artifacts from jobs I did. But the scale... I had no idea how big Hourglass was on the World Stage. Or still is... We should talk when I'm back."
Speaker Transcription Audio
"Follow me here, I'm working the problem. Just wanted a sounding board but your... voicemail will do. Hourglass tried to kill me. Why? Logically there's only one answer, my research. They wanted to "prevent humanity from discovering radianite", so they send Omen to kill me, he fails, First Light happens and... Sigh Everything changes. That all tracks. Hourglass has failed. BUT. They keep working. They send operatives around the world to recover radianite artifacts. Why? What are they still hiding? There must be something, Brimstone. There has to be more, for Omen's sake. For mine. Ugh. Call me back."
Speaker Transcription Audio
"Brimstone, Astra and I are over at the Alpha-Lotus site. Or.. Should I say what's left of it. We wanted to come back and see if there was any pertinent information here now that we know a little about these Scions of Hourglass group. Suffice to say while the Omega site is still bristling with radianite signatures, this place has been scrubbed clean. We've also been... One moment."
"Hey, water boy, hand me the phone. Brim, Harbor gave you the deets, hm? Look, Hourglass kills scientist instead of kidnapping them. And they try to leave no witnesses to their journal. And now THIS with the Nexus? This is about erasing information! Keeping it from the public! That place the journal describes? It will show us how deep this goes. Of this, I am certain."
Speaker Transcription Audio
"Commander, I continue to spend my time contemplating recent events. Our encounters with Iso, Hourglass, now our newest recruit... The event with Viper... Our Natures... The way our paths have entangled. This must all mean something. There must be something meaningful at the end of this thread. I intend to keep pulling it."
Speaker Transcription Audio
"Hey, Brimstone! I've been helping Cypher with the journal, aye? The one Hourglass tried to steal. There was some bits in it he couldn't figure out, something about a secret cavern of some sort. And that got me thinking 'bout some things those Hourglass numpties let slip when they let me aboard their wee little boat. You'd be amazed at what some people say around a dead body, yapping on and on about "bringing the journal to its rightful place in the older grotto". You see where I'm going with this? The journal's talking about an Hourglass base! A special one, too! Cy's getting the ship's navigation logs, we'll sus it out, just you wait."
Speaker Transcription Audio
"Hey boss, I spoke with our new friend. Wanted to know more about uh. Where they go when their soul takes a break. Nothing like the astral plane-o. I checked our database and at my small collection of guardian records there. As far as I can tell, immortality is not rare in radiants. It is unprecedented. Hm. They worry me. That there power it's a blessing now... But later... Chale... I'm not so sure."
"Grand, boss' already ignoring my calls... Oh hello! Brimstone! No rush, but heh. I've been getting setup in my room, lovely accommodation by the way. And... The door's stuck. Not like locked but... Stuck? I tried prying it open and that didn't work and uh... I don't have anyone else's number yet... I know you're busy but I'd prefer the option to leave... Unless... Is this part of the onboarding? Gasp Am I being tested right now? Laughs Nothing gets past me, ay? I can do this, don't ya fret."
Speaker Transcription Audio
"Bad news, Brimstone. Seems like all we did by taking down the Hourglass operative was piss off further up the chain. They're going to come looking for us. Let me know if you want me to run drills with the others. Okay? We need to be ready."
"Brimstone, I want to discuss Omen. It's clear to me that he's on your your mind. You seem so... Distracted in our briefings and... I assume he's the reason you're meeting with Cypher so often. You're concerned. I am too. Especially with the way he left. You know, I've been trying to put myself in his shoes. Finally understanding more about his past and... Feeling a sense of shame that he is struggling to overcome. It's a terrible feeling, Brimstone. One that I think I understand because... Well I have felt it too. He and I are both burdened by past wrongs. Which is why I think I can help. If I know his pain, maybe I can heal it. I'm going to find him. And I'm going to bring him back. I'll be in touch, I promise. Wish me luck."
Speaker Transcription Audio
"Brimstone, I found him. Omen is in Edinburgh. Seems he was after a journal of some kind. One that belonged to our dear friends at Hourglass. I have confirmation that there was a disturbance near the library, but... We know who won. Wait. Wait! Hold on. Omen's checking in now. He's met someone he says you'll want to meet. Chuckles I did always want to go to Scotland!"
"Brimstone, the Nightmare brings more visions. I see someone I've never seen before. Bright lights starting around the dim room, silenced gun fire and hundreds of butterflies. This person they're in danger. But... The danger means nothing to them. Still, I worry. Cypher mentioned Edinburgh, no? I anticipate a connection, we should hurry."
Speaker Transcription Audio
"Brimstone. Hello Sir. I've noticed something different between Omen and Viper. There's an... Animosity that wasn't there before. Has something changed? I'm uncertain. but I wanted you to know, maybe there's something you can do."
"Brimstone, for years the search to understand my own past drove me... I thought I could find peace by knowing who I am, who I was, but no. The truth has only led to more questions more frustration. I... I lack focus. I lack clarity. I am no longer an asset to the Protocol. I am going to leave for some time. I intend to recover and I intend to return. I will find my own path along the way. Do not follow me."
Speaker Transcription Audio
"Liam, we need to talk. When Omen didn't know about his past, he was contained. A known entity. We kept him in the dark to protect both him and us. I had to lie to him. He... He tried to kill me. Now he's starting to piece things together and I... I can't anticipate his actions now. Will he retaliate? Maybe leave the protocol? There are... Too many variables out of my control. Sigh Keep an eye on him."
"She knew who I was this, whole time! She knew so much more than me, why didn't she tell me?! Why couldn't she HELP? Does she think I'm some kind of monst- I will speak with her, soon. But now I... I need more time. Brimstone, just know this, I am not my past."
Speaker Transcription Audio
"Brimstone, it's Iso. I've been on the team for a while now and... Well. What I used to do, my work with the Organisation, my hands were stained from the violence, it kept me awake at night. The VALORANT is... Different. I noticed the others spending time together. There's a brightness to them. When they speak of the mission, they speak with pride... So I wonder, is this what it means to fight for something good? Anyway... That's it."
Speaker Transcription Audio
"Brimstone. Cypher asked me about the organization, again. He's a persistent man, but I've told him everything I know. The organization doesn't bring young fixers like me into the inner workings of their business there's nothing more to discuss. Perhaps you could say something to him. Thank you."
Speaker Transcription Audio
"Brimstone, it's Iso. I'm settling in now. Still a lot of books in Chongqing I want to ship over, my camera, too. I've noticed that Cypher has watched me very closely since I arrived, is that... strange? Fade said she had it much worse. Anyway, I still need clearance on our mainframe, I'd like to look over the combat records, our team schedules, nothing special. Okay, thank you for your time."
Speaker Transcription Audio
"Brim, card game tonight. So far it's the usual group + Astra and Sage. Oh and apparently Omen wants to watch. Just go with it. If you're in, let me know."
Speaker Transcription Audio
"Brim. Breach is on me about laying low again. I can't do this anymore! I don't care how many times Cypher needs to scrub my face off the web, I'm going out like everyone else. I know for a fact he can make it happen if you fund it. Look, I get why Omen and Kay/O can't leave, I feel bad, I do. But... They're unique cases. I'm young, I should be out there living my life! I just wanna eat inside of a restaurant! Or enjoy a morning run without a stupid disguise! Why should I act like a criminal in hiding when I did nothing wrong? Seoul? Italy? None of that was my fault! If that little shit from Omega had just left me alone... Sigh If she gets to go out in her world, I'm going out in mine."
Speaker Transcription Audio
"Brimstone, I met with Deadlock earlier. It was the first time we spoke about her injury since those first few days and... I, hoping to help, offered again to return her arm to its previous state. After a pause, Deadlock just raised her arm and said "take this away and everything they gave would have been for nothing". Then she left. My thoughts are so clouded now, I always considered my healing a gift that helped people but... Is it always good to undo pain? Are the scars we wear lessons that we learned from? Do they make us stronger? Better? I don't know. I don't know."
Speaker Transcription Audio
"Yooo, Brim. Uhhh. I got your message about the meal I expensed. Gekko and I might have gone a bit overboard, but guess what! I brought an A5 wagyu steak just for you! I'll even cook it tonight any way you want. So... Can we just let this slide?"
Speaker Transcription Audio
"Boss, where are you? Come on now, the food's ready and the fam's all here, you know they're not gonna wait for you and they're not gonna save you a plate. Team potluck dinner and you're the last one I gotta track down, are you serious? The world won't die tonight, so put down those reports and move."
Speaker Transcription Audio
"I saw you rejected my latest proposal, but I must insist you reconsider. Does VALORANT store unsecure warheads in the barracks? Do we leave mines scattered around the hallway? Hm? No. Those things are far worse. I fabricated 4 crates for this specific purpose. It's safe. You must authorize their detainment."
"Brimstone. Deadlock will NOT harm Gekko's friends, understood? I would hate for our new recruit to make a poor first impression."
Speaker Transcription Audio
"Brimstone, I've overheard some stuff and I wanna clear some things up with you. My crew are not monsters, they will never be monsters, period. If anything were to happen, which it won't, that's on me. I'll take that responsability. But until then, tell Deadlock she's gotta chill. The cold stares are killing our vibe. 'Ppreciate it."
"Aw. Brim, I have no issue with being the cover up chef for the surveillance truck, but Cypher is driving me crazy. That guy thinks every interaction is an opportunity for a life lesson. Look, I know for a fact you can flip a mean burger, with a little training I think you could cover me for a couple days. Please..."
Speaker Transcription Audio
"Brimstone, the radivore response project continues. Just like at the Vault, the technology will sunder them from within, no extraction chamber needed. Until then, the Kingdom site is in danger. Without a proper remedy, the wound they opened will fester. That's all."
Speaker Transcription Audio
"Brimstone, it's Omen. I told you so."
"Brimstone, it's Deadlock. Training on the prosthetic is coming along. I'm adjusting to the "added weight". The recoil compensation is very nice also. Once it's dialed in, my... my aim will be even better than it was before. I... I know the restoration... The... Arm. The new nanowire spooling... It was an investment. In... Me. I wish things turned out differently but... Well... Thank you."
Speaker Transcription Audio
"Brimstone! I am calling you, again, to request more servers. The surveillance library is near capacity. Compressing image and sound quality is out of question and no, I cannot free up space by purging the archives you claim are no longer valuable. It is ALL valuable! The only option is more servers don't make me delete anything, please, Brimstone! I beg you, please!"
Speaker Transcription Audio
"Brimstone, the Maxbot is missing. It has been gone since this morning. I have looked everywhere, no one is taking this seriously but something is happening. I am not crazy Brimstone, you must see it. Please."
Speaker Transcription Audio
"Hey Sarge, Qué onda? Look. I uh. I know there's some concerns about my crew dipping into radianite reserves especially with what's going on, but listen... They eat what they eat... KJ and I are watching their intake, there's no change in their behavior, nothing different. I get that people are jumpy but to be honest, like, no one really knows anything about my critters, they're just guessing. And I really think it's fine. So could you run some interference? Give the official OK? I don't know... Something? It would go a long way. Thanks."
Speaker Transcription Audio
"Commander, I know this sounds unusual but the modified cleaning bot stored in the lab, the one the others call MAXBOT, has been acting strangely.
I have witnessed it deviate from its usual pathing. Activate on its own. It observes our training, our routines.
In the middle of the night I have watched it watch me.
Whatever Raze and Killjoy did to the thing I suggest they undo it."
Speaker Transcription Audio
"I'll be offline this afternoon. Killjoy won't shut up about my polarisation core. She's wanted to take a look since I got here. So... Sigh I'm letting her. I made her promise to make some general maintenance while she pokes around. Just um. Don't let her make any modifications. Okay. Gonna go do this now. Wish me luck."
Speaker Transcription Audio
"Ayo Brimmy Brim! Hear me out. I love the room, for real, but like, my crew needs their own space sometimes and it's a little crowded right now so, check this. What if, we knock down some of the walls, combine my room with the one next door, double it up! Eh? Eh? Lemme know what you think."
Speaker Transcription Audio
"Brimstone, I'm sorry, but I gotta call you out on this. You are too soft on Kingdom. I know K-Sec meant something to you. They gave you something when you needed it, I get that. But the more we dig into everything, the more that company is stuck in the center and I do not like it. You know my history with them. We take the good with the bad. But the shit they get away with I- Your past with them is clouding your judgement. Get it sorted."
Speaker Transcription Audio
"Hey, Brim. So... For my Radiant training, Sage says I gotta open up more and the easiest way is to write it out, so... Here goes. Dear Brimstone, I hope you're well. I have some things I would like to share. First, thank you for having me on VALORANT, saving the world and using my powers is a dream come true. Second, I know we don't always agree, your rules are too strict, please consider how crazy a curfew is for grown ass adults. I would suggest lightening up by 30%. Training with Sage has given me some fresh perspective. I get that I can be a handful sometimes, but my best work comes when I can be myself, I need room to freestyle and spread my wings. If you give me space for that, I can do great things for the team. Third, sorry about the gun range, I'll fix it. Okay, that's it."
Speaker Transcription Audio
"Hey, Brimmy. There's a jam session tonight, training room, south wing. Sova tells me you play bass, be there."
Speaker Transcription Audio
"Oh! Sorry, Brimstone. I meant to contact Fade, goodbye."
"Hello Brimstone. I have... concerns about our dear dream seer. Not the usual ones, she's not sleeping well. I see her up and wandering at all hours, afflicted in her unique way. Always troubled. I can tell. Her power is an asset, but not at the cost of her life. Is there something we can do? She does not want to ask for help, so I will ask in her stead."
Speaker Transcription Audio
"Brimstone, the Nightmare came to me with a vision. Different from the rest. I... I saw the walls holding our world together fall apart. I felt the wind go still, I could... Smell the bitterness of blood and bile. I heard small, uncertain voices crying out. And I could taste the fear, there was so much of it. Like the whole planet had fever. So I climbed. I climbed this... Tall cliff. It was jagged as bone, stretching up. Dizzying. But with broken fingers, I reached the top and saw the end of our time. A silent window, stretching over the ocean, filled with dead faces. And then I woke up. Brimstone, I have seen many things in my line of work, but... We must not let this come to pass."
Speaker Transcription Audio
"Skye to base. We, uh, we ran into some trouble. Those Atlas dogs were on us, they had us moving too slow, I had to break off and take care of it, which I did. It may have gotten a little out of hand, but Harbor and Astra definitely have the breathing room they need. Yeah, definitely. Huh, I'm a bit separated now, about 10 klicks. I'll do what I can to catch up to them. Skye out!"
Speaker Transcription Audio
"Commander, please accept my sincerest apologies. In my zealousness, I may have set the danger room, to... Slightly above the recommended safety limit. As a result, I have received a non life threatening injury, which I can assure you will not interrupt my duties. I'm on the way to medical as we speak. Once I'm treated, I will ensure that the blood on the floor is cleaned, it is a slipping hazard. And for this, again, I apologize. Speak to you soon."
"Brimstone, can you hear this? Hope so. Sending comms to the other side is not easy. We made it out of Portugal, but they are on us, these Atlas force are all over the place. We split up, I drew them away from Skye and Water-boy. We'll work through Europe then regroup. No sign of Legion yet, could be very good or very bad. But we'll make it, I promise you. Just wish us luck, okay? Okay."
Speaker Transcription Audio
"Brimstone. Astra, Killjoy, and I finished our analysis. We looked at it a dozen different ways and it always comes back the same. The City of Flowers on Omega is a multiverse nexus. If Legion powers up that nexus with Alpha's version of the city ruined... there's nothing left to absorb the shock. The result...The result would be catastrophic, millions of lives in my home country, lost. That's not a scenario I'm willing to entertain. No one else can stop Legion from pulling the trigger, this is on us. So get a team ready, and make sure I'm at the top of the list!"
"Brimstone, I got the news that my nephew's sentence was reduced. He's getting out next month. I wonder how that could have happened... Thanks, for pulling strings."
Speaker Transcription Audio
"Brimstone, it's Harbor. That was some new hire orientation, huh? Is it always that dangerous to join your crew, or did I get special treatment? Jokes aside, I owe you my thanks. You put your whole team on the line to save me, that's not something I'll forget. It's hard to trust anyone after being on the run. But seeing the stunts you pulled for a rescue, well, that's a start. But as for the immediate future, I'll keep watching my own back, just until the nerves settle."
Speaker Transcription Audio
"Brimstone, I didn't know before, but now I'm sure. This is the one. It has to be. Every mention of the artifact is a match. And if this runaway can use it, game-changer. So we must hurry chale. Our waterboy is out of time. REALM is too close, they're gonna get him. They cannot, it has to be us."
Clears throat "Test, test. Oh shit, is this broadcasting? Sweet! Chefinho, it's Raze! Wow! You are not going to believe where I am, man. You remember that island where we found Kay/O? The deserted one. Yeah! I'm stranded! Like there is nobody here. What is up with that? I know what you're thinking. "How did Raze get on a deserted island?" Great question. I was at the concert in Berlin with Killjoy and Phoenix and things got a little wild. And then things got really wild and then it's all a blur after that. Aw man. You should have been there. Honestly. I know it's not your scene but they had a killer setup and free food and holograms. I mean, I know you love holograms. Anyway, so, yeah. I need your help. If you could send the VLT/R that'd be amazing. I realize it all seems pretty unprofessional, but in my defense I did survive and it's kinda miraculous I rigged up this junk satellite dish to make this call. Oh! If you see Killjoy, can you tell her I'm okay? I bet she's freaking out, isn't she? She's so sweet. Totally not her fault, by the way. Blame Phoenix. Anyway, I owe you one, boss! Tchau!"
Speaker Transcription Audio
"The man we hunt is heading west from Bhutan after another scrape with REALM. I've spied on their camp. The operatives speak of towering walls of water, waves crashing through their ranks and the fugitive facing down a dozen men at once. The reports match the evidence at the scene, intense flooding everywhere but no water source nearby. Astra's intrigue in this man is well founded. The chase continues."
"Brim, hey! It's Killjoy, just calling to check in, see how things are. Hope you doing good. Are you doing good? Anyway. Funny story, actually. We're still in Berlin and it's great. The concert was great. We ended up at a few after parties. Lots of fun. But now, we huh... We don't know where Raze is. But don't worry, I'm on it! I'm running scans across our communication arrays. Should have her location in a few hours. Maybe a day. Maybe more. But I-I'm sure she's fine. Are you good, by the way? Did I ask that? Ugh. I'm sweating, I should adjust the climate control in here."
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"Hey, I'm in the mangroves, took forever. This place is huge, but I've found the spot. The fugitive was here. So was REALM, there was definitely a firefight. Here's the weird thing though. I fished up these spent bullets from the water. Fired west to east. But they're not scattered like you would expect, they dropped in a semi-circle. Clearly they were aimed at the same target so you would expect some grouping, but this is too uniform. I don't know. Anyway, REALM's convoy turned north, will keep on it."
"Heyo, Brim. Hear me out on this one. We've got a few days until our next mission, right? And Killjoy has these tickets to this massive concert in Berlin. Party of the century, mate! And I think it's really important you let me and KJ and Raze and whoever wants to go, see the show. We'll just pop overseas, see the show, get a bite and head right back. I promise, I'll play it cool, no stunts, no troublemaking. Model citizen, yeah? Thanks boss, you the man!"
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"Fade says you spoke to REALM. So this guy's a man on the run? A thief? Huh. The universe never makes it easy. And now these REALM people want to shut you out? "Stay out of our business" - they said that as if they're gonna tell you what to do. I like making friends, but not this time. We gotta find this fugitive before they do. We wanna know what Legion's up to. He's the key."
Speaker Transcription Audio
"It's me. The soldiers we fought on Omega belong to an organisation called "Atlas". Details are hard to come by. Atlas operates far outside the public sphere. They have dealings with Omega Kingdom, but as far as I can tell they are a separate business. And no official connection with Omega VALORANT, bit of a shock, given how they teamed up with the enemy Viper to push us back. If there's an arrangement, it's a whisper. In the end, we know their name but we do not know who they are. When I find out, I will call."
"Brimstone. I... I apologize for the references I keep making. You never know what I'm talking about. Even after all these months, I keep thinking that we share these memories, experiences, but we don't. None of that was you. It was him. And he's gone. My memory logs don't fade with time, they're always fresh. Always there. It's harder to distinguish past from present. I partitioned my archival system to ungroup your files. Maybe that will help. Thank you for understanding and... For everything else."
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"It's me, I need to borrow your socket wrench, 8 millimeter. I'm changing the oil on my HX20 before a ride and I left my tools back home. Thanks."
"I did the raid on Kingdom Industries. It was a clean job, in and out. I grabbed everything I could, documents, hard-drives. Cypher is gonna flip for some of the things in here. It's all dumped in storage 5 for now, I'll get it organised for a come through next week."
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"Hey, thanks for visiting me earlier. I'm fine, don't worry. My suit had it worse. Totally fried. Killjoy is working on repairs, but I have to wait in a containment room that can soak up my extra volts. Kinda boring. If the lights flickers around the base... Sorry. Anyway, as soon as the suit is ready, send me out, I want payback."
Speaker Transcription Audio
"Commander, I return with good news. A rarity these days, but no less welcome. My mission to Alpha Lisbon was a success by 2 measures, first, Killjoy's invention worked without incident. The dimensional radiometer can calculate the Alpha-Omega mesh with a 2% margin of error. Extraordinary, or so I am told, Killjoy ran off shouting before I was given a better explanation. Second, the readings confirm our projections. The radianite fabric on our side is strong. There is no imminent danger of Omega breaching this location. We can relocate our defenses to more vulnerable sites. I would suggest S43 but that is a contentious point at best. I look forward my next assignment. Until then."
"Brimstone, the team is headed back from Portugal. We scouted every inch of the city, down to the last brick. If the layout here on Alpha matches what's in Omega, we'll feel right at home. Now, you just need to find that radianite the scouting briefing you sent was good. It's smart sending Killjoy and Neon. They know the portal best, if anything goes wrong during the mission, they'll solve it. See you in a few hours."
Speaker Transcription Audio
"Brim, I need you to increase Reyna's mission assignments. She has to collect more souls. We're already pushing the boundaries of the equipment but I need more. It's the transfer process, I'm losing too much in the conversion for every unit infused another 2 are lost. Sigh Life energy isn't exactly my area of expertise. I know this has dragged on. I thought I'd have a solution by now, a way to stabilize the chemical radian equilibrium but... Sigh But we owe it to Reyna. Collecting enough life for the both of them. That can't be easy. As long as the child lives, I have to keep trying. Because if we fail, we don't know what Reyna will do."
"Brimstone. We're out of those little coffee pods things in the common room. I don't use them but when they're gone, everyone starts drinking my tea. And please understand, it's very expensive tea. Thank you."
Speaker Transcription Audio
"I am back from Omega. You got lucky, the inbound terminal is abandoned. It is safe for us. I checked the area but could not go far. I felt fear all around me. The whole city is on edge, I do not know why. But in the minds I touched, I saw a place of secrets, it is near another terminal. If you want answers, that is where you must go."
"Hey, chefinho. It's Raze. Do me a favor, go easy on Breach for me, okay? I know you two butt heads like all the time. I mean not every room in headquarters is soundproof. You know that, neh? We can all hear you. Look, everybody has bad habits and those are really hard to break. And then he actually breaks things too... Cause of the arms. But he's got a heart of gold, man. He looks out for me... And, I know at the end of the day, he would look out for you too. I think. And hey, there's so much worse out there, sabe. We need him on our side, ponytail and all. I know you understand, but think about it for me. Okay? Thanks boss."
("Sabe" means "you know?")
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"So what do I call you now? Sir? Commander? Hmph. Maybe not. The nightmare is not an easy thing to wield. Rarely has it led me amiss. And yet it has. That is regrettable. But it is behind us. I will help you scout this Omega Earth as you call it, but there can be no secrets between us. I carry your banner as long as it brings me closer to him. With that said, if I even sense that you have strayed from your word. Well, you will be lucky if you never see me again."
"Brimstone, I've completed my audio analysis of the interrogation. My conclusion is the same as yours. Our house guest is not the enemy. If anything, she is an ally. An ally with enormous potential. Her suspicion of VALORANT is understandable given the state of our world. But if we can find a mutually beneficial agreement, I foresee great things for us all. I support her recruitment, just keep her away from my servers."
Speaker Transcription Audio
"Yo. Big man, seriously. Tell us what's going on right now. Because me and the others, we're all seeing things. Like ghosts or something. Nightmare shit. Flicking lights, cold door handles. It's got us all twitchy. Raze is freaking out. And you and Cypher keep doing these... secret meetings, everytime you do it gets all scary, man. So look, I get it, you handle the serious stuff, it's need to know. But you have to give us something, who are you meeting with? Like what's going on? We can handle it."
Speaker Transcription Audio
"Commander, the strike team to apprehend this blackmailer. You asked for my recommendations. Besides myself, we must send Cypher. No one else can handle surveillance of an entire city. Chamber can provide fire support from a vantage position. Breach has a... history with extractions. It would be foolish not to take advantage. Neon can help cover ground quickly. Also, she needs a break from Killjoy, those two have been cooped up in a lab for too long. And KAY/O has agreed to pilot the VULTURE. Five on the ground, one in the skies. This is good. We will bring this threat to justice Brimstone, you have my word."
Speaker Transcription Audio
"Brim, we can't pull this off any longer. We need more scouts. You have to stop relying on Sova. I know, you trust him, he's capable. But he's one man and he's exhausted, not that he admits it. Heaven forbid your golden boy ever let you down. Cypher's network is invaluable but it's a crutch. It doesn't replace our need for agents in the field. We're losing Brim. You know that, right? If we're going to survive, we need more information. We need more eyes."
"Brimstone, I do not understand. Our secrets were buried deep, but the blackmailer has everything. They did not leak our dossiers to the public, but they could and they will. Cypher has rivals, but they are not behind this. He claims the work is too impressive. And if Cypher's impressed, we should all be very concerned. You need to put the Omega plans on hold. We are far too exposed to fight a war on both fronts. This blackmailer is the priority now. We need them found, or dead."
Speaker Transcription Audio
"Brimstone, the day's close at hand, oui? Soon our dear lady of lightning will shock the portal back to life and open the gate to a glorious new world. Which is why I call... Have you confirmed the Limiter Release Protocol for her suit? I understand that it includes certain voltage caps that we must... remove for the desired power output. This is safe, non? I'm sure the suit's inventor was just being... overcautious. Anyway, good luck to us and our star. We are all rooting for her!"
"What did Chamber say about my suit? I know he called you. Was it the voltage caps? Sabi ko na nga ba eh! If he said remove them, he's wrong. Even with the caps on I can power a whole city block. And not like a small block. A big one! With restaurants! Hotels! Take them off, and say goodbye to half of headquarters. The limiter stays on Brim, tapos! End of story."
("Sabi ko na nga ba eh!" means "There, I said it" and "Tapos" means "End of story!".) Source
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"Brimstone, something happened at S22. I was walking the warship again, when I felt something... different. The dimensional fabric was weaker there, older, I could feel seams that someone left a long time ago. And then I fell into a space that wasn't just A to B. It felt more like now to then. I pushed forward as far as I could and, Brimstone, I heard someone, calling to me. I didn't have time to answer before the rift closed, but I swear to you, I knew her voice."
"Um, hi, it's me. Can you talk to Killjoy? She keeps getting close to the conduction cells, like, really close, and I keep telling her "Ano ba, back up!". I'm moving a lot of power and, she does, but then she comes back and they're her safety protocols to begin with and I'm following them, if she says "stand behind the yellow line" I stand behind the yellow line. But she doesn't stand behind the yellow line! She just walks right up and she's gonna get fried. When she dies by electrocution it's HER fault, not mine! So, do something? Okay. Bye"
("Ano ba" can be translated to "What's your problem?" or "What?")
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"I've been keeping an eye on Chamber for you. He's playing games but nothing you need to be concerned about. For now, at least. I know you don't trust him but we don't have that luxury. Chamber's made himself necessary and we need to accept that. And he's followed through so far, as long as he keeps delivering it's worth the risk. Our team will never be perfect. If it were you'd only have Sova and Sage on the payroll. Hell you made it work with Breach. I don't know how, but you did. If you can handle him, you can handle Chamber. I'll keep watching. The second his goals contradict ours, I'll take care of it."
"Hey Brim, listen up. So... Today's mission got me proper tired. Imma pass out right now. And you're always going on about getting enough rest yeah? Like, self care? So... I was thinking... I should probably skip today's debrief. You know, cause... I gotta look after my health and like... Everyone else was there... And they remember what happened way better cause, I'm tired, right? You don't need me. So... the squad's gonna cover for me. So we're good, yeah? We're good."
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"It's me. I know you told me to leave S22 alone, but I went anyways. Shit it's freezing! I searched the warship again and found dimensional scarring on the sides. I'm telling you, this didn't sail here from Japan. And the armor, if Kingdom discovered Radianite ten years ago, why is my mask filled with it? There's more to find here. I know we have other missions, but I won't turn my back on this place. You shouldn't either."
"Brim, hi! Neon and I started our work on rebooting the portal. So far so good! She seems nervous but, I like her! And her power is more than I could have hoped for. The bioelectricity inside her body is literally enlaced with Earth's Radianite mesh! Do you know how crazy that is!? It shouldn't even be possible! laughs Looks like Chamber was right this time, but don't tell him I said that. We're still working on stabilizing the connection between our side and Omega, but we'll get it done. Maybe it's time to start planning the mission for after we break through. Sounds like a Brimstone thing, ja? Good luck with that!"
Speaker Transcription Audio
"Bonjour, Brimstone. I have sent you my intelligence for number 19. The file is quite comprehensive. Kingdom keeps far too much data on its employees. As you'll see, her abilties are uniquely suited to help with the... Special project. She is a perfect fit I think. Unfortunately, I cannot reach out to her directly, there is a past... Misunderstanding that may make her less receptive but as a fellow K-SEC veteran I'm sure she'll meet with you. Appeal to her sense of service, she gets that from her family. This is exciting, non? Good progress."
"Brim, hey. It's me. Sorry I- I keep thinking about Everett-Linde. They were light years ahead of us with their LRC program. It was sublime. The data on radianite exposure, the biome acceleration, even in it's failure it can teach us so much. And yet, seeing the husk of the facility, it's the people. All those people. Brim, they weren't even soldiers, they were scientists. They didn't have a chance to... Sorry. I- I have to go. Call me back please."
Speaker Transcription Audio
"Monsieur Brimstone! I must say again how wise it is that you have embraced our partnership. Trust me, I understand your reluctance, I am new, unknown and it is unfortunate that we found each other in such unpleasant circumstances. But, we will get to know each other. Look into me if you must, I am an open book. In the end, we want the same thing, non? And I'm in the unique position to deliver it. There is only benefit. You will not be disappointed."
Speaker Transcription Audio
"Hallo, Brim! Uh. Sorry about the power outage last night it... Won't happen again... Probably. It's this Everett-Linde portal. It's going fine. I think it's going fine. But finding a viable energy source is proving... Problematic. Standard electrical currents just wont work, but do you know what could help? More lab funding. Nah. I know what you're thinking. "Killjoy, are you exploiting the urgent nature of this very fine mission to weasel more money out of the quarterly budget?" The answer is yes, but, seriously, this portal wont power itself. Thank you."